My dream, when I was a kid, was to have my voice heard.

So much of being young is following the rules of adults without input or negotiation. This space is your space. In this space, you have a voice. In this space, you are free to be yourself. You can post openly, you can post anonymously. You can post about your life or the lives of those you admire or who frustrate you. But always remember, this is a safe space for all youth to express themselves openly and honestly without hate, without bullying, without putting others down in a mean way. Are you upset about the way your teacher graded your final exam? Post about it. Are you happy that your parents bought you a new pair of shoes? Post about it. Do you have a short story of a recurring dream you have about your future? Post about it. Do you want to take us to a far-away land where the unimaginable is real? Post about it. You can be yourself here.

This nonprofit is the personification of hope, expression, and freedom. As President, I want to convey that in this blog, where youth from around the world can come to share a piece of their soul for others to learn and absorb your energy. We want every post to explode with the freedom that is inside your young hearts, as long as it remains within the guidelines of respect for others. I want every young person to know that this space is for you. I look forward to seeing what this becomes!


David Chappell
President, Literary Legacies
