The Journey
By Alyssa Buzbee-Good

About The Book
Take a voyage on the journey of young and innocent love, told through the eyes of the bride’s younger sister. From the first time the couple met to their happily ever after, share the moments that Alyssa retells of how her sister and brother-in-law began a journey that will unite them for the rest of their lives.

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About the author.

My name is Alyssa Buzbee -Good. I’m 12 years old and in the 6th grade. I’m a middle school student. I love playing games with my friends and family. I live with my Mom (Danielle), Dad (Dwight), dog (Daisy), and cat (Spot). I have two nieces and a nephew.
A few things I like to do are walking my dog and going outside when it’s dark to look up at the stars. The third thing I like to do is watch movies with my Mom and Dad. My Mom and I love to just lay around in our PJs and watch TV. On some weekends my family and I go to my Grandma and Grandpa’s house and hang out there. While we are at their house, my family and I visit friends and family. I love my family!!!
Alyssa Buzbee-Good

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