The Boy Battle

By Riyani Patel

About The Book

From the mind of 8th grader Riyani Patel comes an inspirational story about strength, resilience, courage, and love. Patel, who suffers from Tourrettes, infused her personal struggles with having this illness in a middle school environment into her main character Tanya Weeks. Her fears, her failures, her perseverance, and her willingness to fight are all perfectly captured in this novella.

This is Riyani’s first book of what will undoubtedly be a career of writing. By supporting her you support a young voice yearning for acceptance and understanding from her peers and the community around her. Riyani hopes this book will raise awareness for Tourettes and give hope for others suffering from this disease. She knows you will enjoy it cover to cover.

“My experience working with Mr. David was super fun. Every Friday, he would sit with me for an hour. We would discuss ideas and names for people, restaurants and bakeries related to the book. Mr. David has this notebook so we can put different ideas and imagination into the book.”

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About the author.

Riyani Patel is an 8th grader at Britton Middle School in Morgan Hill, CA. She has a sister 3 years older than her. She has an obsession with collecting toiletries and chapsticks. Her favorite places that she’s visited are Hawaii, Whistler and Australia (traveling helps control her tics). She enjoys dancing, spending time with family and watching YouTube.

“I had this event called a book signing party which is me and my family invite tons of people and they come to a place in Morgan Hill which is called BookSmart. They enjoy it and I sign their books. It was another fun experience since this was my first time having a book signing party.”

Riyani Patel

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