Lots of news lately for Literary Legacies! Wild Journey by Alysa Marcial is now out for purchase on Amazon. Please check the published books link for the web address. Alysa’s book release party will be on October 6th at 6 pm at Booksmart on East Dunne Ave. in Morgan Hill. In addition, her commercial has been shot and in is production. Look out in the video gallery and on our Facebook page for the release.

Veronica Taylar’s book The Runaway Fairy is done with editing. After we finish the cover design we will publish. Look for it to come out soon!

More big news from our volunteer corps. We have officially reached 200 volunteer hours for 2018! We hope to have an amazing number by the end of the year that shows how hard working our committed volunteers are to our students.

We have added a few more students and lost some as well. Currently, we have 11 students in our program with a 12th coming soon! Look for Dusk by Katelyn Whedon to come out in the next two months.
